Jo Middleton

Morgue number 7285

The room is dark kinda musty
Stereotypically dead ironically
I don\'t know who lies where just the contents I desire
I pick a number based off fascination
Peer at toes where bells lie hanging
But you won\'t hear them clinging no more
No heart beats, no blood streams

Pale and clammy with eyes rest shut
You\'re about 17 dead and gleaming
With pretty curls on your pretty face
Eyes were sky and smile white
I can see your bones breaking under skin
Collarbones sharp, I run my finger near
I sit there and peer and peer

I was waiting but you never came
I never even knew your name
Take my scalpel, take my hand
Waited for you, you never came
Do you know how Important this was?
You were supposed to rescue me

I dreamt about you every night
Your soft fingers  saving my own
And now you lie there
Dead as a skinless dodo
Watching me run my bloody course
And plunge the mental into my artery

Morgue number 5233