Its Raskolnikov

I\'d Like to Say

I\'d like to say I have a fortune,

That I don\'t feel like my mom should have had an abortion,

That I haven\'t made anyone feel tortured,

And I\'d like to say,

That everyday in my own skin I feel warmer and warmer,

That I make magic and not just distortion,


I\'d like to feel like I\'ve given some sage advice,

Like I\'ve helped some sort the men from the mice,

Like I\'ve made someone feel like it\'ll be alright,

And I hope I helped someone through the fight,


I\'ve hurt so many, 

God, so many, but the worst part about it is that she was torn away from the light,

And now the greatest delight has to live in a life that pays the greatest price,

I\'d like to say that I am a good person,

But I feel like just to know me is a vice,