
How To Beet Somebody At B-ball (Okie Style)

1) Look at him play, you’ll never beat him!

2) Sure I can beat him, I’m good at b-ball
But if I beet him, I’d leave him all red
I know he doesn’t like red
And I don’t like beets

1) You know, if you made a better salary
You could handle your debts a lot better...

2) Furst off, ewe doan make celery ewe grow it.
And my salary is goin\' up little by little
Some might say that debts are bitter
But four me it’s a sweet thang, it keeps me humble

1) Did you say you way your salary? 
I buy mine bye the each
Ewe know, like won for a dollar
Oar too for a dollar

2) I think we’d better end this text.
I’m really getting confused.

1) Don’t whirry, eye got udder tings too dew
Sew I’ll just leaf ewe a loan, ok?
Tanks four your thyme.
Eat was shore nice talkin’ an righting two ewe!

2) Wish I could say the same thing.

We need to work on our communication skills
Quit texting, and talk to each other face to face
We’ll understand each other better. 


---c aaron