
Dear boy

Dear boy,

Thank you. 

Thank you for teaching me how to love, and to be broken. 

Thank you for teaching me how to come back up from nothing.

Thank you for letting me live my worst moments, because any moment from now on will be better. 

Thank you for choosing girl after girl over me causing me to starve myself for weeks on end. A disorder I have yet to overcome. 

Thank you for being the one to make me cry now whenever I look at my bare body in the mirror because of your weekend exploits. 

Thank you for showing me how quickly all of the security and \'endless\' support that seems so unconditional can slip away as quickly as it comes leaving you alone and helpless. 

Thank you for forcing yourself back into my life the second I showed an ounce of recovery from being burnt to dust and blown away to nothingness. I truly appreciate you pretending to have become a better person and then showing me that horrible people are incapable to change. 

Thank you for making me believe that I was ruined. Without you I would have no reason to prove you wrong that I can be great on my own. Thank you for showing me how strong I can be. Thank you for showing me how independent I can be. Thank you for showing me how beautiful I can feel without you. Thank you for showing me how sexy I can be without you.

Thank you, for if it wasn\'t for you, I would have nothing to write about. 

From, girl.