
I Don\'t Wanna

Don\'t wanna touch the sand No more!
No longer, for me, a joy!...its becoming for Me...Now!
 ....nothing more than a...

 Losing heart...this Island

I need now to depart!

Don\'t wanna touch the sand...
 No more!

 A Craft learnt that

 ...(yea right)
for me to eat,,,
(given up on gettin home)
may be earnt!
 Just too Survive now my feat!
My Life Stories told in the sand...sculptured!
My Own Original Brand!
No tools!
Just Heart
My Right Hand!

This hand that has only ever´grafted´and in the harmed, hurt!...
forced through Voilence to live up to the Islands Reputation...
generations of fighters,
living up to the name of

Don\'t wanna touch the sand... No more!
 To Create has been my aim...not destoy!
In the sand my Energy and Heart I do Employ...
bringing the sand ´To Life!´

with all the ´strife,´
in life,..

 I´ve lost my joy!
 No more!
Hours of work, days,
 just for others to...

Dont wanna... touch the sand... No more!
 I´ve Slept! ;) not worked, these past 3 days.
 No need for 1 eye open,..
no hard work to defend with fights...
2-3 hours sleep a night,
 constantly woken..
my spirit over months broken.

 ¨I´ve...Actually...Slept! ;)¨...
havn\'t worked though...
which means I have not

Don\'t care no more!
 Without energy (spent) without heart!...
 unable to touch the sand.
 Not even My Stubborn Pride cares any longer to make a stand.
 The need now to ´Humble´this man that he may leave these Negative Emotions behind...
where they belong...
with this Island!

I...Dooont... wanna... touch the sand... Nooo moooore!
 Its this Man, Me, that needs to be touched.
By a loving, kind warm, caring, gentle and affectionate hand!
Giving this body the same attention has given the sand!

Sooothing the Soul that I too
may be brought back to life
that I may also awaken...
(and leave this Island....behind!)
...the man...

 I know I am!

Gentle - Loving - Kind


 Open heart,
 honest, genuine!
 The nature of which on this Island,
 would be hard to find!

Dont wanna... touch the sand... Nooo more!
 ¨Plastic Paradise¨ on the surface all seems nice!
 But!... this is an Island that knows not how to give...only take!
 A Euro make!

If your ¨stuck¨ here, then....


 You´ll be lucky to find someone to care.

You´ll have to learn how to ´survive´If on ´this´Island you wish to preserve your soul...alive!
 Put your hand in a ´Hive´ are less likely to get stung!
 There\'s more shits here than in a field full of ´Dung!´

 You die here you wont be remembered...
your story untold...
 no hearts won!

I Dont wanna... touch the sand... No more!
 I Dont Wanna so I aint Gonna!


 I both Graft yet also Starve....
I work and yet at times am just to weak to eat...
stomach closed!

 My Hardship!?!...

Just wanna find, a little heart, at least..
before I depart this Island that has no heart to break!


...your own hearts for your own sakes!

That imbue it with life you might!
No more a ´plastic paradise´ but with hearts open and genuinely hospitable, nice!

That those
with sudden hardship,
 without the

 also know!!!

¨At least we are in Paradise!¨

To The One that has shown me care...that a spark of heart is there...Look! to the night sky...and stare! You know who You are! ;) x x x And Know that, for you, I have assigned in my heart, a star.

Remembered You Are!