
Alius is Awake

Alius is awake:

A man on a mission after a seven year bender

Conscious but not clear, his voice floods my brain

Relentlessly firing thoughts and words like darts

Stinging and striking pain that rips me from my sleep

His message is cloudy – at the controls but not in control

My psyche his marionette in a grand mal seizure

I speak to him; question his message and his motive

His laugh fills my ears with a devious tone

I can’t take it, action needed; hit the mute button

He can feel me closing in on the point of no return

He sends me this:


An oil slick sky

The canvas of an unfocused mind?

Or, could it be, the streaming

Consciousness of that thin line

Between genius and insanity;


     - Just blurred?


And just like that – Alius pulls me back