
Only A Dream

Only A Dream
She stands there
her laugh echoes in the autumn woods
I run to catch her
As I call out, \"Mother!\", I realize
that no matter how fast I go
she will always be too far away

It is only a dream 
yet here I am
I beg for her to come back
It is only a memory
yet I yearn to re-make it

I won\'t give up
I will get her back, I\'m desperate
I lose her to the darkness
It closes in around me
yet I refuse to give in-
to lose hope.

It is only a dream
yet I still move as if it is real
It is only a memory
but I won\'t let go

It is only a dream
and it restarts
She stands there with a glorious smile
I\'ve made it!

We laugh and hug
we cry while we rejoice happily
It is only a dream

She slips out of my grasps
\" Mother!?!?!\" I cry
The woods surround me again

I see her in front of me
a ghost of a smile tugs at her lips
A tear trickles down my face
and in a heartbeat I chase her.

It is only a dream
yet I run
It is only a memory
yet I yearn to relive it

I will not give up
I will not give in to the pain
I will have her in my arms again
for she is my mother

It is only a dream
Only a mere memory.

She laughs her wind-chime laugh
and I my sad one

It is only a dream
Only a dream.