
there is a carnival buried in my veins

2/8/18 5:59PM

There is a carnival
Buried deep in my veins
And the gates are long
The lines are empty
And the beer is cheap
But the tickets to ride
Will fleece you better than any shear

The carnies all chortle
They’ve seen it before
I wish I could retch out the side to spite them
But cleaning up vomit is in the job description

And the clowns
The clowns walk like revenants in a graveyard
Expecting business to be unfinished
It never really got off the ground
Foreclosed before payment made

I envy the goldfish in bags
Tied tight
Waiting on a ping pong ball
I bet it’s simple
Better than the barracuda

The games are all rigged
But the people still play
And if you’re smart enough
Or sad enough
You can keep your money
No balloons will ever pop
And no pins ever knocked
But at least you’ll be whole

If I could leave this carnival in my heart I would
I’d hop a fence and run to the hills
But it seems my debt to the beer tent is still unpaid
And the carnies don’t fuck around
They’ll shatter your legs
And flick cigarettes until the smoke
Has permeated every membrane
In catastrophic atrophy

These micro quakes in my heart
Never fail to loose foundations
Walls tumble and spin
funhouse rides shorted out of control
It’s not fun anymore