Matt Bluck


All is well with the world Except All that is unwell Rise & fall with the up & down Dance with the crab In the salty swell All is well with the world Except All that is quite wrong Marry you words & notes & howls & Wrap ‘em all up in a song    You are a being Seeing is a must Three is two After wondrous thrust Thank the almighty For a lovely crust On a worldpie made for fun Sprawled in a mall With a tan of gold A mannequin’s eye is a tale untold But wear its shirt & share its soul A sheep & a monkey Are a loaded gun  I’m from the north As south I go I come from the east As west I climb Travel unravels With whack of gavel As you’re sold to the wind For the thousandth time I sit when I shit & stand to piss I learned by rote How to fuck when I kiss My novel is written in future bliss & The quotes on the cover Are a crime All is well with the world Accept All that is unwell  Rise & fall with the up & down Dance with the crab In the salty swell.