lyn Girl


I close my eyes and I can see your face
I can trace it with my hands
The way you squint your eyes when you laugh the smile lines that form when you give me that smirky smile
The way your eyes meet with mine
The electricity I feel
The flutter of my heart
The day they introduced us
The moment our eyes met
It was as if we were
A couple of old friends having a laugh
A yearning that was familiar
A feeling I had thought was gone forever
I could hardly contain my smile
The feeling grew until we could no longer contain it
That first kiss we shared
You made me yours
As if nothing else mattered
In that moment
We were one
I was yours and you were mine
Free of what people would say
Just our own little secret
In that moment we were two people wanting to let go of the sadness we both carried
Yet when everything was said and done
I felt the emptiness
You left
Like everyone before you
I was left with the feeling
Longingly waiting for that moment that no longer existed
And would be no more
Had I fallen for you?
Or was I just being led by my own selfish feelings?
Do you think of me when you are with her?
Or was I simply just another faceless girl?
Your sadness needed to feel warmth?
Do you see my eyes reflected back to you in hers?
Or was I just another of the countless girls?
Naive and to stupid to tell the difference?
Who was I to you?
And why were you so much to me?
Why leave me with this feeling?
Why leave me with this feeling of the familiar?
The feeling I am terrified of
A feeling I no longer wish to feel
I guess that’s just it
It’s just a feeling
A feeling for the familiar