Tune; Breslau
(\'Take up thy cross, the Saviour said\')
Matthew Chapters 26 & 27 parts
Judas Iscariot betrayed
The Lord, on Him his heart not stayed
But thirty pieces of silver
Blood-money price to him they were
Yet Jesus says the Son of Man
Himself that Son, for none else can
Fulfil all that of Him is writ
It shall be all as God wills fit
But woe to Judas, he the one
Traitorously denied the Son
Good were it for him if he had
Not been born, in human flesh clad
So with a kiss he did betray
His Master, he did turn away
Under cloke of friendship and love
He grieved the Spirit, holy dove
It be too dark, he did repent
And back to priests and elders went
Returned money and then did say
Innocent blood I did betray
But they not caring, said, So what?
Sort it out yourself, that your lot
Was too much, and then tragically
Judas commits suicide, see
Lord help us see where any traits
In us open enemy\'s gates
May we follow on firm and true
Devoted, loyal, e\'er to you