
God and Religion.

I was sitting on my cloud

Thinking about religion

When God passed by.

“Hello God” I said, “Can I have a word?”

“Of course you can” he said,

“Let me pull up a cloud and sit down”

“What seems to be the problem?” he asked,

“Religion” I replied.

“Ah, now there is a problem” he replied,

“So you know about it then!”

“Yes of course I do,

I don’t just drift around aimlessly!” he said.

“So why don’t you do something about it?”

“What should I do, you started religion”

“I realise that, but why so many types?” I asked

“People see me differently,

So they come to me in different ways”

“But why can they not see that,

See that you are the one God,

They think they have their own God

And each one is different

And that their personal religion is the only way?”

“That is up to them, it is their free will to do what they want”

“But why do they argue with each other,

Fight each other,

Kill each other, in the name of their religion.

You are their God, do something about it!”

“What can I do, they all ask me to do something,

But they all ask different questions,

Want different results” He replied.

“You are omnipotent though, you can fix this” I said.

“I know that but if I fix it they will still argue,

They will say that their religion is the way.

The way is for them to come together

To realise that I am here for them,

Here for them all”

“So your saying religion is wrong?”

“No, it is not wrong, but they just cannot see,

Cannot see that there is only one God,

And I am here,

I always will be here,

Here for them all”