Andrew Guzaldo



Poetry teaches  to read delusion,
A Delusion that is put into words,
And becomes a reality of beneficence,  
Although many of these things do not,
Come to pass,

But is a poet’s best way to live,
In the art of Expression maybe not,
For himself but for the beneficence,
Of others in the best way possible,

To live life through academician,
Brightness of the days gives one side,
When there is darkness another spectrum,
Of a unusual poignancy,

A poet/writers life is always looking,
For that appropriate or peculiarly meaning,
Day dreaming of a delusion,
Or a nightmare with a pertinent validity,

And when everything is so onerous,
You want to reach a point of imperious value,
Of mind body and soul of a loss,
To dream and think so lofty with no end,   

 An uninterrupted moment of solitude and words,
 Of course moments of cessation rest,
 In all this words teach me to care for loved ones,
 Or that of a dear friend,
 Until we as lovers may meet once again,
 Consistently truthful and NEVER PRETEND