adam brown


let me introduce myself

know by many as addiction

I know exactly what you\'ll do

it\'s never a prediction

I will put you in bad places

facing court and then conviction

take everything u own

your money, family and eviction

the things you say and things you do

a constant condridicton

you will do the things I say

followed through with no restrictions

body and mind

shall be aligned

consequences to which you are blind

I will grind then wind around your mind

my evil roots

now intertwined

I have you now and there\'s no doubt

fuck everything you care about

when your happy I can\'t abide

the sound of my voice now amplified

to make you do as I decide

now time to sit back and enjoy the Ryde

do my best

to keep the pressure pressed

laughing alound

whilst you die inside

only now I\'m satisfide....

watching with joy as your put to your knees

your free will is locked and I hold the keys

unbeatable odds

but still you will bet

now life is a mess and your full off regret

sitting back enjoying all damage iv done

i want to keep you in the dark and hope you never see the sun