Playing in the front window
of your affection
My love became a storefront
for all to see
Displaying what my heart
had kept well hidden
Priced to sell, and tagged
—on sale for thee
(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
A Conflict Sure
As a walker,
I like pavement
As a traveler,
open space
As a thinker,
I prefer logic
As a mystic,
only grace
A conflict sure,
all age foretells
My soul,
this state decries
The answer dearest
to the one
To the other
—always lies
(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
A First Beginning
Granting myself permission,
I advanced into the sun
The rays now scorching by me,
this journey zero-sum
Racing toward the present,
all chains come flying off
Into a first beginning
—my dreams and wishes caught
(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)