


I may never see the smile you wore again

On an exotic picturesque postcard mail envelop,

Nor share all the laughter that our friendship gain

Like gold hidden in the beautiful treasure of your glow

But I hope, when you go traveling the earthly globe,

Life will retain for you that splendid winning rainbow.


For a second, the splendor in your presence was real.

But, there is no sense in arguing over land and crop

Among the company of angels I miss the emotions I feel.

It is when that something special unimaginable happens

We build fences, makeup hedges to stop the weeping gap,

Go beyond realms, and look for the answers long forgotten.


Inside you feel strong, making decisions rise to the top

Go further, exploring where other explorers left their tracks,

Memories worn in knapsack locked away where the trails stop.

Overgrown shrubs and ancient trees eclipse the light

The blanket sky falling to the ground from out of space

Garnished the streets where moonlight paint shadows bright.


When the atmosphere is dim and fantasy no longer the same

All fowls may withdraw, and nature intercedes with silence,

Begin beating the dull retreating roar dissecting sound again,

Throw the atmosphere on the deck and watch time go by.

That melancholy feeling interrupts the unassailable ambiance.

Make discovery hasten quickly out the door to the fountain fly.


We go exploring, discover new worlds beyond boundaries,

Capturing Images to create a permanent enshrinement.

Intangible desire explore and challenge the best of energies,

All the joy found made satisfaction our universal home,

We go beyond present strand in reflections over land and sea 

Adventurous time galvanize our mind with every twist and turn.


After the silhouette and the new moon melting dew ignite,

With ecliptic nerve, the awful breath inside refuse to die. 

But if we could cry and our tears become hard as ancient rock

Like the granite terrain wash by eons of celestial endeavor,

Meteorite shower exploring the avenues we hardly ever use

Quickened our hearts in moments of phenomenal power.