Fay Slimm.






Let\'s overturn hurts by feeding them mirth.

Reverse tearful outbursts by reaching for tools
of lost humour.

Let\'s accost black moods by adopting grins.

Staple thick skin to thinning endurance by use
of de-fusing.

Let\'s make naught of wise-cracks by laughing
away sinking self-worth.
The curse of depression melts when giggles
set fire to reactive rafts.

Let\'s cock a snoop at brooding revenge
and brew no concotions to aid offence.
Life\'s knocks need smiles of dispersion
not stirrings of locked up non-coercion.

Fashion no birth of lasting depression
over hard words nor concede to pay back
with any worse ferment.

Me-First conclusions mis-use understanding
and to wrestle with mercy brings confusion.
Handling bouts of offence meant to unhinge
friendship\'s resillience roust disaster.

Fate can be changed with the habit of shunning
resentment to hurtful affronts.

Let\'s be undetered in working love\'s essence
of peace into means of survival. 
Relationships thrive when leaving momentary
need for contest behind.