
No Valentine...

I have no Valentine,

Let\'s be real, 

If I loved anyone, I would be fine

But love is my Achilles heel.

I\'m awkward, shy, and weird,

Life is hard and emotionally challenging,

But having a Valentine is something I\'ve feared

Even when I see her, there\'s no speaking.

Here I am again,


With my emotions stuck on a chain,

And the pain piercing to my bones.

One day I\'ll meet her,

She will be perfect,

That past will seem like a blur,

To me, the old girl will have no effect.

Being awkward, shy, and weird will be gone,

Finally experiencing true love,

And the old girl will drag on.

While I\'m hanging out above.

We will meet again, and she\'ll say

\"Remember when it was just me and you against the world?\"