lyn Girl

A letter to my mother

A letter to my mother?
My heart feels heavy
My mind is exhausted
I feel the weight that has been put on my shoulders
A weight I feel I have carried since birth
Why ?
Do I need to carry this weight?
Am I not just a child?
How will I be able to nurture?
To love?
Am I not just a daughter?
How can I just be me?
How can I fix something only she can fix?
A letter to my mother?
Why can I not have that mother daughter relationship you have with my sister?
Why must I be the caretaker of it all?
Why must you depend solely on me?
All I want is to be your child
How can I help you when I do not know you?
A letter to my mother
Who is she?
Where has she gone?
Why can I not find her?
Why does she hid from me?
How do I fix this?
And why can I not?
A letter to my mother