PASTOR JONES had served the Lord faithfully

For 50 Years ~ Just before his 70th birthday

GOD spoke to him.  \"Brother Jones ~ because

Of your Faithful Service I can grant you one

Desire on your Birthday ~ What would you like ?\"


Well Lord he said ~ I\'ve preached in 49 States

But I don\'t like to fly or sail ~ I would love to

Preach in Hawaii ~ could you build a Highway

From Los Angeles right through to HONOLULU ?

GOD thought of the cost and the hindrance to

Shipping and said \"Brother Jones do you have

A Second Choice ?\" Sure Lord !  I\'ve had a fine

Wife for 40 Years ~ 3 Daughters ~ 7 G-daughters

And many fine Ladies in My Congregation ~ BUT

I\'ve never understood LADIES ~ You made EVE

So you must know what makes  A Lady ~ TICK !


GOD smiled and said \"Brother Jones ~ about that

HIGHWAY to HAWAII ~ d\'you want 4 lanes or 6 ? !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN


If your could have ONE DESIRE ~ what would it be ?


This Poem is dedicated to FRED PREYER ~ The

Man from HAWAII ~ Please check his Poem

yesterday on Hawaiian Music ~ Thanks BRIAN


This Poem is presented in \"Free Verse Dialogue\"