
Finding love in this day in Age.

We say we seek love swiping right for yes, an doctoring our profiles on tinder an P.O.F.

Spending more time on Dating Sites then we do actually Trying to meet someone.

We say we want a partner but in truth we want a place holder.

We say we want To be in a relationship but we don\'t want to put in effort to hold one.

We want to change our Relationship status on facebook more for the The social reaction then for have someone.

When we Each seek something that is not truly what we are out to find how does anyone expect to find someone to love.

We seek love but in truth we seek everything else but love.

Love is the visage of what we seek.

It is the mask we wear.

It is not what most truly seek.

It is all that we truly want.

Love in this day an age.

Is not what love once was.