Tune: Stowey
(\'When a knight won his spurs\')
Psalm 139 v.14-24 parts
O Lord, you I will praise
And your name I will raise
For it is I be made
In your image arrayed
Fearfully, wonderfully
You have made me, so be
Your good hand creating
Me all, each, everything
Marvellous your works be
My soul knows them, I see
My substance was hid not
When you portioned my lot
But when made in secret
All my parts were set
In your book, they all are
You the great God by far
How precious too, your thoughts
Unto me Lord, good sorts
How great sum of them is
I cannot count, \'tis this
The number of them more
Is than the sand\'s grains sure
When I wake, still with you
I am, you my God true
Search me, O God, and know
My heart, reveal, me show
If there any wicked
Way in me now be hid
And know my thoughts here, may
They be pure, I do pray
And lead me in your way
Of everlasting day