

I stand on the old stone bridge looking down,

Looking through the green depths,

As if my soul is beneath me.

I look up and there before me is My River,

That place where I walk with My Spirit.

Stepping off the bridge,

I become one with My River,

I walk silently by its side,

The green waters

Slowly sliding with me.

Coming to the new bridge I walk beneath it,

The roar of life’s traffic above me .

The rush of life is left behind me

As I move further with My Spirit,

Moving with Natures Joy beside me.

The time comes when I am at peace,

At peace within myself.

Once more My River has cleansed me,

Cleansed me from the trials of life,

And here in the peace I am at one,

At one with My Spirit and My River,

Where all is one within My Soul.

I stop,

At the end of my current Journey,

I look ahead and see another bridge,

That bridge that I will not cross,

That bridge where My Spirit leaves,

Leaves my body,

And flows with My River,

Flows towards Eternity.