

In a daze,sitting at the flashing railroad light. As the train shoots across it\'s planted tracks. I watch cars impateintly turn around ,one by one. People yelling ,throwing the finger at a moving train. Irated passengers bouncing around causing more havoc inside . And as I sat patiently ,me and few other cars ,I drifted into thought. A thought of love.
Very often we turn around, impatient to get to our destined location .That we abruptly change the course. And in this adverse turn around we make careless stops that was not planed. We end up with more baggage; some good and some unwanted . Site seeing on the way there, feeling this route was better . Thinking now were is the rush, it will still be there if it isn\'t . So much in fact ,that we loose track of time and self. Making shortcuts to arrive only at a deadend. Eventually you end up exactly where you needed to be. When all you had to do is relax ,embrace the slight bump in the road ,be humble and keep moving forward.