
A loss

To My Loving Family
by: A deep thinker

This first part is for three special people in my grandpa’s life: my aunt, my dad , and my grandma, who all loved my grandpa with their every being as did we all, but their bond as husband and wife, and father to child, makes them extra special.

Daddy Dearest, are you coming to play?
Honey Dearest, are you coming to stay?
It\'s been a hard day without you here.
It\'s been a long day knowing
You’re not going to be here.
It\'s going to be a long year
knowing you\'re not coming home,
but I look all around and
see you close in my heart,
and in your grandkids,
they remind me of you so,
and i know, we all will miss you so much.

So, Daddy dearest, Honey dearest,
please rest in peace know that one day,
we will see you again,
and we will be reunited,
and never be apart again,
and I know,
while we\'re all going through this hard time,
all this heartache, and pain from missing you,
you\'re watching over us leading us loving us, telling God:

you see those kids,
those are my strong kids,
going against this world without me;
so one day they all can be here with me.
You see those kids they’re raising,
all those grandkids,
they all love me dearly,
and I love them.

do you see that beautiful woman there,
Standing by them?
That’s my wife;
she\'s got a good head on her shoulders,
even though I just slipped away from her,
I know now she’s going to be okay
cause I\'m leading her, and loving her
from Heaven,
standing by You, Heavenly Father,
who loves her, and all of them as I would,
maybe even more,
cause You truly see all the light in them, and
You know they are worthy, and
I know I will meet them again.\"

This second half is for everyone as a whole who grew to know and love my grandpa as a person, and even more as a loved one.

So, in close, as we lay our dear grandpa, father, husband, uncle, friend to rest, we will always remember those moments; the good, the bad, the crazy; as there were a lot of them, moments where we picked little fights over stupid stuff with him. We’ll remember those times where we grew to laugh about it, or got upset, but eventually moved on. There were those moments where we laughed so hard, no one could breathe, mainly cause half the time grandpa had farted; those were my favorites. Then, there were moments where we just sat in silence together for no reason at all, and just enjoyed the fact that we were together. There was nothing that needed to be said.

Those little moments, we will cherish forever, and we will remember them till we meet him again. It may not be tomorrow, it may not be next year, but one day we will meet him again.