lyn Girl

Who am I?

How do I find the balance of being just me?
Am I hardheaded?
A heart as cold as ice?
Am I loving?
A heart so soft it hurts me to love?
Who am I?
Where do I find myself?
Am I just a daughter
A friend
Or am I more
How do I balance being both
Not giving a dam about what others are
And wanting to stay soft
Why am I ashamed of my true nature
Have I built up these walls to protect my heart
A never ending struggle for the good and the bad
Why do I feel like I’m drowning
Reaching for the surface
Never quite getting there
Having it at my tips
And loosing it just as quick
Who am I?
How do I find myself
In a world that only wants to hurt me
How can I be gentle when the world tells me not to be
Is this my weakness
Or is it my strength?