lea cobain .

the best night of my life .

being around him makes me feel like music does,
you know when your heart feels happy but your mind is a fuzz?

but just his touch makes the happiness spread everywhere and blende
please if this is love don’t let it end

i don’t think when i’m with him,
i’m just free and safe with him, even though my heart pounded when the room was dark and dim

being able to be held by his arms was something i never imagined, his kiss was the best and so was being able to giggle on his chest.

what i loved the most was watching him tap on his wheel to his pretty music that sounded like acoustic

then singing along to our song was so grand, with our thumbs tapping along with the beat as he held my hand

i’ve never witnessed so much beauty and humor in someone before, he can make me laugh whenever he wants until my cheeks are sore

i didn’t want to seem easy or anything, but i really couldn’t help but falling like an anchor ring

i never thought it’d turn out like this so full of bliss, but i’m glad it did cause i would have never felt the truth of his kiss.