
Who I Am.

When trying to run from the past 

You change who you are.

You become someone who you used to despise.

Some people might say that they never really changed much, 

But they don\'t get what it is like to not be liked. 

Or to be in a group where you don\'t fit in anywhere. 


I know what it is to be at the bottom, 

And it sucks ass. 

When you have to go eat by yourself,

Or hearing no you can\'t play with us, 

And even losing your only friend because your not \"cool\".


So I started to push everyone away. 

I didn\'t care how much they tried to help, 

And i didn\'t care so why should they.

I didn\'t want it I wanted to be the loner I felt I should be,

Like everyone said I should be. 

So that\'s what I did. 

I started to smoke weed, have sex, and drink,

And i didn\'t care the outcome was.

I just wanted to leave for a little, 

And go to a place where 

I knew I was wanted be more than just family.


At one point I was on top. 

I was good in every possible way,

I tried in school, I went to church,

But now look at me 

I\'m a bitch to everyone

Barely passing in school 

Now I have become someone I hate.


And that is just who I am.