
I only had to go to school

I only had to go school today

I ate my toast I grabbed my bag

And don’t forget to say bye to dad

All I had was to go to lesson

Meet my friends

Give a presentation

Maybe today I can learn something new

Do a science experiment I’ll be happy to

Go to homecoming with someone I love

But how can I do that


I only had to go to school

I ate my toast I grabbed my bag

This time I couldn’t say bye to Dad

All I had was to go to lesson

Hide in a cupboard

Not to give myself away

And cover my ears to block out the screams

Maybe today something would change

My safety ensured

But not today


I only had to go to school

A place of learning


And love too

But what I wasn’t prepared for

An early departure

From the world that I lived

I looked forward to my graduation


Sometimes we forget to say goodbye

But that’s not our faults

We did not plan this

But we could have prevented this


I only had to go to school today

My daughter said as she smiled and made her way

I don’t remember saying goodbye,

 but I hope I did

Because that was the last time

I saw her alive

I wasn’t prepared for what came next

To outlive my daughter

And bury her along with the rest.