
Things I learned from my mother

1) marriage is shit
2) how to cheat
3) sleeping away your problems only makes you an absent mother - doesn\'t help at all
4) if you date rats your home gets infested
5) a son leaving hurts as as much as a brother leaving
6) if I keep saying I weight over 130 she won\'t worry
7) no one notices there pill bottles missing some - even someone who steals from others
8) it\'s quite easy to act like your high isn\'t another failed attempt
9) if it wasn\'t noticed once it won\'t be next time
10) how to let go before saying good bye
11) walking alone isn\'t safe
12) how to easy it is to cling to things that remind you of your rapist - and how to aviod that
13) my dad is an asshole
14) so is she
15) I\'m not enough
16) I\'ll never be like him
17) never miss the corners when cleaning - that\'s where it\'ll get moldy
18) you can use a razor blade to clean wax or paint  off of any surface
19) having razor blades at hand isnt worrisome because I was \"just cleaning\" cause I \"hit a lit candle\"
20) how to learn from someone else\'s mistakes