
Silver Wrench

There\'s a silver Wrench.

Twisting and turning  at which accelerates it\'s speed faster than the word that is said,\"zip!\"

From my bedroom, I could here the colloquial voices about everything that is lacked of doing. 

It leads to that roaring sound I do not wish to hear, doors slamming, the sound of that block shaped image of stone covering the sight of which I have no sight.

Between the hinges of the lock, something twisted, and fell apart. 

In this moment...this exact moment, I\'ve come to the senses of what corruption lies ahead. 

But I know I must stand tall with that jocose personality so at least I can say, there\'s hope. Years go by, separation grows thicker than a stump of a tree.

My smile is gone. 

I must find the wend with which my heart is lead in the right direction. 

There lies the silver Wrench once again. So shiny, the way the sun flickers the sparkles of light ever so gracefully, yet... It makes me wonder. 

I say it makes me wonder, will life ever be that shiny?