Frank Prem

B of E #14: a pride in hands

she has been through his pockets
through his wallet
looked at the collection of receipts
read the scribbled note
on the back of a business card
made the call
heard the voice
remained silent






she was proud of her hands once
soft skin
long fingers
so suited for the piano
she\'d loved to play
that he used to listen to


now she thinks them ugly
knotted joints and stiffness
ragged nails
no more piano




no-one to listen anyway




she knows where he\'s been
where he is right now
she shouldn\'t know
shouldn\'t have gone searching
through his private space
but what real choice was there


and now she is waiting
trying to decide
act the fool
or deal with it


stay or go






she rubs her hands together
listens to the rasping sound they make
studies the lines and lumps
when did they
grow so ugly

