
Dispatcher - Table Down!

I used to ride horses

Legs stuck tighter than glue

I could run like the wind

And dance the night through


Time catches up

Now pounding won\'t do

Try yoga they said

It will sooth and renew


So here I am standing

On my right leg

With the toes of my left foot

Hanging over my head


On the back of those toes

I must now put my focus

While my leotard top

Is threatening to choke us


I\'m watching the grass grow

Contemplating my navel

And all the while \"ommmmmming\"

As best as I\'m able


I\'ll never untangle

I stand like a pretzel

I\'m fated to crash

And take down a table


I wonder exactly

How long can I last

I sweat every minute

Wow this is a blast!