
Flowers For You

The red roses I gave you

Still sit in their crystal vase

But now they’re dead, wilted, browned

And they simply take up space


The petals have all fallen

Brown and crumpled up

No longer lush and vibrant

The vase is collecting dust


I remember that day clearly

It was a sunny afternoon

The breeze was blowing lightly

In the warm month of June


You asked me how I was doing

I replied, “The same.”

Followed by pleasant conversations

About life, school, and grades


I handed you a bouquet

The flowers a vivid red

Expressed my appreciation

“Thank you,” was all you said


All that day and all the night

I could not shake the thought

Of how four months ago

You completely forgot


The twenty-sixth of February

You didn’t even call

Tears were shed, despite what was said

Now I feel nothing at all


It’s been three months and now I know

Why my heart is crushed

The flowers are no longer vibrant

And their vase is collecting dust