
Wholly Holy

Tune: Duke Street

(\'Fight the good fight\')

Psalm 101


Of mercy, judgement, I will sing

Unto you, Lord, I praise you bring

I will behave myself wisely

When will you come to me, me see?


I will walk with a perfect heart

Blameless I shall be on my part

I set before me no evil

Thing, nor wicked, nor of ill-will


I hate the work of those that turn

Aside from you, from you not learn

Their works they shall not to me cleave

I shall from them depart and leave


Perverse my heart it shall not be

Nor I know wicked company

Those who slander I will destroy

All that offends with evil ploy


My eyes shall look on the faithful

Of the land, those who on you call

They shall dwell with me, and shall serve

Me, those who do from good not swerve


They that work deceit, they shall not

Dwell with me, for false is their lot

Nor they that tell lies tarry here

Only those who show godly fear


I will early with wicked deal

Liars and cheats and those who steal

That I may cut off the wicked

Doers from the land, they not hid