Kevin Michael Bloor

Love & Cruelty


Of love we lost, those losers lied

Declaring our lost love had died

Announcing, “Was not meant to be,

The marriage of our girl with thee!”


Of love we both fell into deep

Beneath their wretched rug did sweep

When we broke up they danced for joy

On grave of petty poet boy!


Of love called first, we’d shared in peace

They prayed to God that it would cease

That it would fail to freely flow

In time, they hoped, we would outgrow


Of love that they suspected true

With coward’s kiss they would have slew

If we had not that stormy day

Flung love, like worn out shoes, away


Of love that we will not forget

Repent of, rue, no nor regret!

They’d never in their wildest dreams

Suspect that still today it streams


Of love that heaven let them find

They’d boast, but to our own be blind

They knew, like them, one soul we shared

But when has cruelty ever cared?