
The Man in the Mirror.

Occasionally when I glimpse in a mirror

I see him,

I see that man that gave me my foundations,

The foundations of my life.


That man that gave me the love of music,

Music in all its different forms.

He listened to them all,

Some were not for him,

But with his open mind

He would listen.

That open mind came to me,

And I will listen to all,

But like him, some are not for me,

But his foundation in music

Became mine.

His and my love

For classical and jazz

Have no boundaries.


That man introduced me to nature,

As we walked together in natures realm,

Listening, looking and smelling

The joys that abound in the countryside

Were his,

And are now mine.


That man showed me tolerance,

He never got angry,

He was always fair,

Would always listen

To other points of view,

Would discuss,

But never argue,

Would just accept the differences,

Then move on.

This is now me,

Carrying on his work.


This man was, is, my inspiration,

This man now passed into eternity,

Passed over twenty years ago,

I know I will be with him,

As Our Spirits join

And we will walk again together,

Listening to music,

Walking with nature.

Both in absolute harmony

Harmony with life.

Yes I still see him today

As I glance in the mirror,

I see my Dad.