
Compassionate Charis (grace)

Tune: Uplifted Eyes

(\'I lift my eyes to the quiet hills\')

Mark 1 v.32-42


Many healings did Jesus do

To make many whole, new

Healing the sick, demons outcast

His power shown shall e\'er last


Doing His Father\'s will, He prayed

Obeyed, courage, unafraid

From town to town, salvation shared

In love showing that God cared


A leper came to Him, unclean

For he Jesus sure had seen

Beseeching humbly, if you will

Lord, make me clean, free from ill


Jesus moved then with compassion

Touched him, and said to that one

I will, be you clean,and made well

His love, power, each one tell


O Lord, you reach needy, you do

Help us so to follow you

Your compassion inspiring true

Us all to glorify you


A world of need, tampered by greed

You know what each one does need

Help for our body, spirit, soul

He comes, restores, and makes whole