Accidental Poet

Back In The Day


Brand new cars with old car looks

Smoother and just as fast

Seems more and more

I hear talk of the past


“Back in the day”

Now a familiar phrase

A time when life was slower paced

Back in the good old days


Those oldies but goodies

Still on the radio

Nostalgia is alive and well

Even reruns of popular TV shows


They say it’s not good to live in the past

But with old photographs we reminisce

Days when we were younger

People, places, and pets we all miss


Me, I think it couldn’t be more natural

Than to think back to days gone by

It gives you something to reflect on

The meaning of life and why


How can you know where you’re going

If you know not where you’ve been

Experiences of life

Between you, family, and friends


Yes, living was different as I recall

Not always a better way

Just, different

Back in the day


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2010