
They Need Me

Once again, a fake smile is in order


And as I plaster one on my face


A small feeling sits in the back of my mind


And all throughout the day it haunts me


And taunts me


It wants me to give in and cry


Admittedly, so do I


But I don’t


Because people need me


They need me for support


They need me for a smile


They need me for a laugh


They need me to be strong


So I push my troubles aside


To make room for theirs


And I continue to be there for them


But is anyone seeing through my mask?


Does anyone notice when I am truly hurting


When I apparently hide it so well?


I hate this feeling


This empty, lonely feeling


This unavoidable feeling


This inevitable feeling


That will drag me back into the darkness


And leave me there


Enveloped in shadows


With an overwhelming feeling of everything and nothing


I wish I didn’t feel like this


I don’t get work done


I don’t get tasks done


I’m not genuinely happy


I want to be


They need me


For help


For an answer to their cry


For someone to talk to


For someone to make them feel less lonely


I enjoy helping them and making them feel better


But sometimes the person that everyone leans on


Is the person who needs a shoulder to cry on