

Perhaps to have a soul at all,

Is to believe.

To know that\'s even possible, 

Is a relief.


Maybe there\'s a magnetism,

Pulling everyone.

When this is more than chemical,

Let\'s just have some fun.


Let\'s make out under the stars until it starts to rain,

We could fuck against a tree then we could fuck again,

We can lie upon a bench and read, soak up the sun.

We can lead a lovelly life, one that\'s full of fun.


Maybe you\'re my \"soul mate\" then,

How nifty! 

I guess that means we\'re written in, 

Like we were meant to be. 


Perhaps we click against all odds, 


But we agree on so much stuff, 

How frigging great is that! 


We shall have a sword fight then, when we are meant to work. 

We will laugh so hard until it really starts to hurt. 

We might take a fancy trip... To the Isle of Wight. 

All I know is what we have is really worth the fight.