

Beautiful in every way shape and form. A form that can take the place of any heart and make it warm. A warmth that\'s inevitable, a warmth that\'s unstoppable. When I look at you all I see is passion. A passion that gives me satisfaction. A satisfaction that makes me want to go further into the abyss. Your abyss that is. An abyss full of love and mistreatment. Full of hate and misleadment. A woman that has flaws but can embrace them. A woman that has many pasts and can trace them. Trace them back to misfortune and fortune. A fortune that tells a story of a girl growing up and living life up to the fullest. Your beauty is inevitable in every way shape and form. You have enough power to bring about a storm. A storm over the horizon, a storm over my horizon. A good storm that in the end is blinding. Blinding because you are indeed beautiful as a hot summer day. Beautiful as a butterfly sprouting away. So fly fly away my beautiful bouquet. As a bouquet of roses you are beautiful, and you make my life meaningful. Beautiful oh beautiful you\'re such a handful.