
Priest, Judge, King Prophecy

Tune: Deus Tuorum Militum or Grenoble

(\'Awake, awake, fling off the night\')

Psalm 110


The LORD {God]} He said unto my Lord {Jesus}

Will be according to His word

Sit you at my right hand until

I carry out my purpose still


Until I make your enemies

Your footstool, each your power sees

The LORD {God} shall send rod of your strength

Out of Zion, rule you at length


Your {Jesus\'} people shall be willing when

Day of your power is shown then

In the beauties of holiness

As new days mornings you shall bless


You {Jesus} have the dew of your youth true

The LORD {God} has sworn , and will renew

Will not repent, nor promise change

Nor you from His wise plans estrange


The promise this, you are a priest

For ever, shall save great to least

After Melchizedek\'s* order

The LORD {God} shall grace on you confer


The Lord {Jesus} at your right hand shall break

Kings in pieces, and their goods take

In day of His wrath it shall be

Victory o\'er His foes we shall see


He {Jesus} shall judge among the heathen

There be many dead bodies then

And too rulers break in pieces

For their evil which ne\'er ceases


He {Jesus} shall drink of brook in the way

So find refreshment every day

And be revived, lift up His head

Priest, King, Judge {all Jesus}, He would rise from dead


* Melchizedek - An Old Testament Priest.