

Fear claws up my throat

I can\'t take this anymore

Tears are streaming down my face

I can feel his hands touching me

Running down my body

I\'m screaming loudly but no one hears

The shock of his fist connecting with my jaw, shocking me into silence

A few minutes fly by

Now he\'s having his evil ways

I start my screaming again

He\'s finished now

And I look into my father\'s cold eyes

He smiles evilly at me

After a moment I\'m able to look away and that as my mistake

Now he\'s beating me.



Punching me

And I can\'t protect my little fragile body

He\'s laughing now

Like a maniac

Or perhaps a mad scientist

I snap back to reality

Back to the world where I\'m in my class

Staring out the window


I hate them

I feel another one coming and I try not to let it get to me.

I\'m in my room now

My 15 year old brother walks in

Starts screaming at me for no apparent reason

He\'s on top of me now

Hitting me

Punching me

I can feel the pain all over again

Fear etched into my face

The pure anger on his

I\'m in the classroom again

Got to keep myself together

Can\'t let anyone know
