
Peace Placements

Tune: Quam Dilecta

(\'We love the place, O Lord\')


Come, rest now, troubled heart

Where worries, frets, each part

Distracted, frustrated

By God\'s Spirit be led


Tomorrow\'s cares they be

Not here yet, look and see

But tend to each days load

Your heart be Christ\'s abode


What may or may not be

Trouble or trouble-free

Trust in your Lord, He speaks

To humble, lowly, meek


Whate\'er your heaviness

He shall come relieve, bless

Going on in each day

And night, watch here and pray


Help us to seek your will

Your grace is given still

You guard from evil, ill

Throughout life\'s vales and hills


Forgive where we fuss, fret

And be not consoled yet

Come Spirit, dove, reside

Within us, e\'er abide