J D Cully

Leicester Square

Oxford Street in the afternoon
Looking up at the Christmas lights
I remember another yuletide when
We shared a beer and we watched Vic Reeves
Walking down the Edgware Road
I had a Travelcard to the Promised Land

And Mariah Carey singing on the radio
Reminds me of what we used to know
I stop to buy some pretty paper
The sky turns black and the lights are shining
Turn into a cafe for a mayonnaise bap
Sit on an empty bench and wish you were there

So here\'s a glass to auld lang syne
And Mavis and Emma\'s Valentines
Oh how I would have loved to go
To four weddings and a funeral this year
Should auld acquaintance be forgot so soon?

And Clare Ashford chatting on the radio
Reminds me of who I used to know
When she made mince pies in her dressing gown
When I was Partridge House\'s favourite bard

So now I drink to you alone
In a crowded pub in Leicester Square
And here\'s a glass to auld lang syne
And all the girls now left behind
And it\'s Christmas