
Look what you\'ve done

I bet you didn’t know that you permanently scarred me.
When you slept with her, I bet you didn’t know it would affect the way I thought forever,
The way I loved,
The way I trusted,
The way I was.
I bet you didn’t know when you gave into the lust of her figure that you had built a brick wall around mine,
Suffocating me,
Entrapping me.
Now when finally, God has graced me with a man who is actually worthy enough to be called a MAN,
A man who is loyal
A man who is trusting
A man who is respectful
A man who is sweet
A man who is loving
and a man who does everything he can to take down that wall.
Brick by brick.
When finally I was graced with a man..
I still cannot trust that he will never leave, like you did.
And i hate you for cursing me with this cloud of doubt because HE IS NOT DESERVING OF IT.
It is because of YOU that I wonder what he is doing when im not around and I feel that everytime he does not crack a smile that his bags are packed and ready to leave me behind. Like you did.