
Faithful Fellowship

Tune: St Bees

(\'Hark my soul, it is the Lord\')

1 John Chapter 1 part


This the message, it be heard

It is true, the living word

That God is light, in Him be

No darkness at all, now see


If we say fellowship we

Have with Him, yet our life be

Walking, living in darkness

We lie, He shall not us bless


But if in the light we walk

Live for Him and of Him talk

Living in the light as He

This the mark, the standard be


Such have fellowship with each

Christ\'s love does to each one reach

And His blood cleanses from sin

Makes us pure and whole within


If we say we have no sin

We deceive ourselves, no kin

Have we with the truth, we lie

His presence not to us nigh


If we do our sins confess

He is faithful, just, will bless

Will forgive our sins no less

Cleanse us from unrighteousness


If we say we have not sinned

Hope of blessing does rescind

God we make a liar too

His word not in us anew