
Baby Steps

_________ is like jumping out of a plane
Like I\'ve always wanted to go skydiving
But I\'m scared to jump because I can\'t just take a step back and be fine
And what happens if theres something wrong with my parachute
Or I\'m too scared and pull the cord too fast
Or what if I\'m not okay enough to care about falling
But I can\'t tell you how badly I want to fly

But the last time I was in a plane
I was pushed out with no warning
Nothing but him, falling tandem with me
Making my back ache in the worst possible way
Spoon feeding me Nyquil
He had me screaming
Wish I could make us softly land but he wouldn\'t let me
Do anything
Expect for fall

So I\'m sorry I keep dragging you on to a flight that goes no where
I\'m sorry
I keep telling you I like heights and I like jumping
But I\'m scared of falling
And I\'m sorry the pilot doesn\'t know how to steer anymore
And I\'m sorry that I keep pulling to cord way before I\'m supposed to
And I\'m sorry I won\'t let you tandem with me
I only want a static line
I\'m sorry I\'m so picky
I just can\'t fall again

So maybe fly with me?
Maybe we can take over the plane and land safely?
Would you settle for jumping in a pool instead of this for now?
Maybe diving off a cliff into water with me first?
Maybe learning how to fly before we learn how to fall?
Maybe just baby steps?
Could you do that?