
Ignore Me, I\'m Fine, Have Fun

I hope you have fun.


Ignore the slight hurt in my eyes while you walk away to go with them to the roller rink without me.

Ignore how shy I’ve been acting around you lately.

Ignore the fact that I feel guilty for cursing in your presence.

Ignore my response of “I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” when you ask if I’m okay.

I really do hope you have fun with them

While I sit alone in my room

Trying to curb the feeling of being left out

By watching YouTube

I know I’m not the funniest person.

I know I’m kind of boring.

I know I can be a lot sometimes.

I know I’m not your closest friend.

And that’s fine!

It’s fine.

I’m fine.

Don’t worry about me.

Have fun, I call as you wave goodbye from your car.

Have fun, I sigh as I walk to the bus.

Have fun, I whisper as I wipe away a tear.

They had fun, I think as I flip through your Instagram pictures.

I wish I could be fun.